We chose to make a mobile sculpture from a purple hoola hoop, scrapbooking paper and construction paper. The theme of our mobile is spring and we made flowers from paper, using analogous colours, pink and purple. To make these flowers, we drew, cut out, and folded various sizes of circles. For the flowers to each be unique, we used both normal scissors and scissors that cut with different designs on them such as; jagged lines and wavy lines. In addition to funky scissors, we also used gold glitter on some of the flowers (that did not have a pattern) to make them look better, and not so plain.
Our next step with the flowers was to put them on strings so we could hang them. To make sure that the flowers stayed in place, we hot glued each one of them to their string. From there, we then hung each string of flowers on the hoola hoop, in a way that it stayed balanced, for example,by hanging four of the longer, heavier strings at four opposite bends on the hoop.
When we finished this, we thought we were done, but we forgot about a focal point, so that is what we made next. To make our focal point, we cut different sizes of circles and folded them like our analogous flowers, but instead of those colours, we used shiny gold paper, to complement with the gold glitter that is on some of the pink and purple flowers. We then hung this string of flowers in the middle of the hoola hoop to finish our mobile. Overall, I enjoyed working in a group. We all had similar ideas that were incorporated, and everyone helped with everything that needed to be completed.
I thought your group worked together very well. You had a clear vision and used the class time effectively. The result is a very playful installation that moves with the slightest breeze. Glad you had fun.