Friday 25 April 2014

Digital Paintings & Abstract Art

     This is my digital abstract photo. I was inspired to make this after watching a tutorial about how to create digital abstract art on photoshop. The stamp that I used for this image reminded me of fireworks, and celebrations on Canada Day, so that is why I named it "Fireworks". Although the firework on the left is larger, my focal point is the smaller firework on the right because it is much brighter, and pops out more, in my opinion.

     This is my digital painting overlay. I chose to paint an overlay on a photo of a runner because I love running. I gave it the title "Free Run" because the gradient that I used makes it look like the runner is running from something that is kind of dark, and heavy, and into something happy and free. The other reason I gave it this name was because of the Nike shoes that she is wearing. They are called "Nike Free Runs", and I thought that it would be a nice pun. Overall, I really like how it turned out, and it is my favourite piece that I created for this project.
"Free Run"

This is my optional photo, and I chose to make another photo overlay, but this time I made a cat because I thought it would be a challenge, and it was because of the detail. I used the bright orange gradient as a background because I thought the picture needed a pop of brightness, and when I tried using the cat's eye colour as a gradient, it didn't do much for the picture. I named this photo "Found the Yarn" because the eyes of the cat look like they are very focused on something of interest, which could quite possibly be a treat, or a toy, like a ball of yarn. 
"Found the Yarn"


  1. Nice variety Carissa. IN the first image In think the smaller burst is also a good focal point because it is coloured differently than the others. Speaking if colour, I like how the background gradient matches the girl's outfit in the second image. The kitten also uses colour well. You remember that the blue eyes are the compliment of the orange background. My only question is that the first image seems very pixalated, is that a feature of the program you used? Well done.

  2. Yes, I noticed the same thing about my first image. I'm pretty sure that's just how the stamp looks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The second photo really inspired me to become a track star just like you <3<3<3<3<3 just kidding I was inspired by myself your cat photo is ugly

  5. thanks christian u r my motivation my cat photo is nice
