Thursday 10 April 2014

Guelph Multicultural Festival Poster

     This is my poster for the Guelph Multicultural festival. To make this, I used a large Canadian flag as the background, and added many flags individually from various countries around the world to the red sides, and maple leaf in the center.

     I chose to do this theme and design to show that all of the countries are living together as one. I also specifically chose to put the other countries' flags on top of the Canadian flag because this multicultural festival is in Guelph, and celebrates the diversity of people in Canada. I tried to fit as many flags from around the world as I could and fit a total of 81 flags into the Canadian flag.


  1. Carissa, putting the flags in the Canadian flag format was a great idea. I've see the world done many times, but this is a nice variation. It is colourful and the message is clear. Well done.

  2. Mrs. Reidel !!!!!!!!!! I just updated this photo because I noticed that I repeated 4 flags!!!! They are now all fixed, please take this copy to send to the contest!!!!!

  3. Hi Carissa: Would you kindly allow me to use the image of your Canadian multicultural flag in a slideshow I am preparing for the schools in my community. (I would put your name in the credit line for this slide).

    The topic of my presentation is "British Home Children". This is the name given to more than 150,000 British children, ranging from infants to teenagers, who were taken into the custody of institutions in their home country when their families were not able to care for them. Britain decided to ship these children off to other Commonwealth countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada. The majority of the children never saw their families again. This practice continued for over 100 years--from 1869 to 1973.

    Those sent to Canada were put to work on farms, both boys and girls, where they suffered extreme hardship and abuse. My grandparents were two of these children.

    This is a sad and shameful chapter in Canadian history that has been swept under the rug for too long. Over 10% of Canadians are descended from British Home Children, but few people know about it.

    The introduction to my presentation mentions that Canada is made up of people from all around the world, so your flag would be the perfect image to illustrate that point. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.


    Norma Cook

  4. Hi, this is Carissa, I made this 3 years ago and i'm not sure how to log in on my phone, but i received an email that you left this comment. You may use my flag :) thanks for asking!

  5. Dear Carissa
    This is a Ron. I am preparing a presentation for an academic course about diversity and would like to use your poster, if you agree. Love it! OK for you? Will credit of course.

    1. Hello, feel free to use it thank you for asking :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi, I would like to use this picture in an assignment to show multiculturalism if that's alright with you?

  8. Yep feel free thanks for asking :)
