Thursday 1 May 2014

Composite Photo

"Olympics in Space, 2185"
     This is my composite photo. The concept of this photo was to portray the Olympics being held in space in the far future, year 2185. The astronaut symbolizes an athlete on their way to their event, and the spaceship in the sky is athletes coming from Earth to compete.

     To make this photo, I used six photos, one of which is my own photo. I started out by using my photo of the Olympic torch in Vancouver, BC. In the photo, there was my friends, and I, many people in the background, along with mountains, boats and lots of other things to erase. It took me a while but I got rid of all of the distractions using the eraser and lasso tools, and also using another photo of this torch, that did not have people standing on the cement ledge, so I could cover the spot where we were standing. For the sky, I used a pink and green galaxy sky, which I liked because they are pretty close to being complementary colours, added a spaceship, and planet. I fit both of those objects to a well fitting size, and adjusted the brightness, and saturation on them, especially for the planet, so its colour matched the sky better. I then placed a cracked ground in behind the layers of the sky and Olympic torch, and later put in an astronaut waving. For the astronaut, I had to adjust his brightness, and opacity a bit, so he wouldn't look so fake.

     I am much more pleased with how this image turned out, in comparison to the image I originally made.


  1. Carissa, I am very impressed with your perseverance. It's great that you began with an original photo and I know that you reached a point where you were frustrated but had put too much time into it to turn back. You did some great problem solving and I think the end result is excellent. Great colour and an intriguing story. Your reflection has good detail as well. Super work!

  2. WOW! Carissa all of your work is AMAZING & BRILLIANT!!!!! U inspire me to be a gr8 artist
