Monday 12 May 2014

Photo Restoration


This is my photo restoration project.

     To restore this photo, I made a duplicate layer, and converted the photo to black and white. The black and white style that I used is called "Portraits", and I also slightly adjusted the contrast to my liking. From there, I cropped the picture to take out the tears behind the older girl, because that part of the photo was not too important, making it just extra work to fix on my part. I made a separate duplicate layer, so I could work on the older child's face, then used a clone stamp to complete her face, and the rest of the photo, adjusting the brush size when needed. I like how this one turned out a lot more than the photo below.


     This is the second photo that I repaired.
To restore this photo, I made a duplicate layer, cropped the sides and bottom, and converted it to black and white. The style of black and white I used is called urban landscapes, and I also adjusted the contrast a bit to make it look better. From there, I used the clone stamp to finish the photo, and I also used a white brush for the blanket/bed that the baby's hands are laying on, which I think ended up being too bright. I don't really like how this one turned out, I did it all in Monday's period, because I forgot to put this photo in my g-drive, and my computer would not turn on. I had already half finished this photo on my computer, and I think it was better on my computer.

1 comment:

  1. Carissa, I know you're always under time pressure due to your extra curricular activities. Don't let that take the fun out of this work. Talk to me if you feel cornered. I agree that your first image is superior. You used the tools of cropping, cloning and adjustments well and the resulting image is authentic looking. In the second photo, the clone stamps on the face do not use the right tone source. Sometimes it helps to 1. zoom in, 2. clone one stamp at a time, and 3. use a soft edge stamp that blends better. Keep up the excellent effort.
