Monday 24 February 2014

Andy Warhol Silk Screen Technique Photos

 This is the original photo I used, my school photo. I decided to use complementary colours for my photos because I like the contrast that they have together.
P.S.  Sorry that the purple & yellow explanation is not beside the pictures like the other photos, I could not get that one to work.       

 Red & Green - For this picture, I like how the colour of red on my face highlights the black outlines of features on my face, especially my dimples, eyebrows and how my eyes "pop". I found it hard to find a red that was not a very pink colour for the highlights in my hair, and also finding a green that looked like a lighter version of the background green was difficult.
 Blue & Orange - In this photo, I like the contrast of the blue on my face with the orange in the background. To improve this photo, I would put the lighter colour of blue in the hair instead of on my face because the dark blue is kind of hard to see against the black hair.
Purple & Yellow- I really like how this photo turned out because I think it looks the most like me. I did a good job on drawing my eyes, it looks realistic, unlike how my right eye looks in the blue and orange photo. One challenge I found with this photo was finding a lighter colour of yellow for the highlights, because yellow is already such a light colour.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done Carissa. Your images are effective and your explanation of them is clear. Interesting that the class picked out the same minor issue with the dark blue in the hair. Well done. Keep up the excellent effort:)
