Thursday 6 February 2014

New Kid in School Assignment

         Meet Teachzie, she is the "new kid" that I created. This student is made from Caschzmiera, Teagan, and Jamie. I used Caz's face as the base because she has a nice face shape and her smile crease lines are not too promenent. I chose to use Teagan's eyes because her eyes are brown (Caz's are blue) and she has glasses with which I wanted to take on the challenge of fitting them perfectly to Caz's face. I picked Jamie's mouth because it has a good shape to it, and fit in Caz's mouth space very well.

          I think that I did well with cutting Caschzmiera's hair because it doesn't look like it was cut straight across. I also think that I did well fitting Jamie's mouth onto Caz's face because the sizing and slight rotation of it worked well inside of Caschzmiera's smile creases. Something I should work on improving for next time is matching skin colours better, because Teagan's skin in the glasses is slightly darker than Caz's skin. So next time instead, I could take a paint drop of Caschzmiera's skin and colour in where Teagan's skin is left in her glasses. I had lots of fun doing this project, and I hope you like my new kid.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carissa, this is a fabulous result. It looks extremely believable including the cut hair which is very difficult. You can get away with a slightly different eye colour int he glasses because the lens can have an impact.
    Next time start a new paragraph for each new topic. The two questions would each get their own paragraph.
    Very well done and posted on time. Fabulous!
