Monday 17 February 2014

Photojournalism Ethics

1. Staging Scenes
        I think that staging scenes is not right. Yes, I do think that it is okay to move an object to get a better view if something is in the way, but it is not okay to remove or add something to the photo because that makes the photo become untruthful. Altering the scene becomes unacceptable when a photographer adds or removes something in the picture, someone else has already taken a similar, and real photo, like in the "It All Began With a Mouse" scenario. Many photographers took photos of a destroyed town with a toy that they added into the photo themselves, and this is not right because, those photographers only staged their photos because of how popular they saw the real photo become, and wanted to get money, have their photo also become famous, an take credit for a photo that was not real.

2. Manipulation of Digital Images
        I believe that the manipulation of digital images is wrong. I think that it is unfair to manipulate digital images because it tricks people into believing something that did not actually happen. For example, the "Sharks invade New Jersey" photos are edited, and could have possibly set a scare to the people in and around the area.
 Edited sharks invade New Jersey photos.
3. Intrusion into Privacy
         I both agree and disagree with taking photos of people in private. It is legitimate to take photos of people in private moments when a devastating event has taken place, but is not when a celebrities, politicians, or other public figures are in private spaces. I think this because, celebrities, politicians, and other public figures are constantly having photos taken of them and deserve to have some privacy when they are in private areas or with their families. On the other hand I think that it is okay to take photos of victims of tragedy because those photos send a message to the public, and could bring an affect of sympathy and action to the public and government so that next time, a tragic event such as a shooting can be prevented or more preventable.
 Sandy hook school shooting.


  1. Good clear opinion Carissa. You stated your opinion with examples and the images also helped to communicate your meaning. Try not to leave it until the last minute next time:)

  2. Thank you! And yes, I am very sorry, I had this done on paper Friday but have had an extremely busy weekend! I won't leave it so late next time!
